Where does D.R.C.A hold its activities?
D.R.C.A activities can be found at Precision Football, IBN Battuta & Ballers Downtown Dubai using Google maps.
Is there adequate parking at your venue?
On Site Parking is available at the venue, there is limited public parking directly outside the venue however we would suggest setting off a bit earlier to be able to asses where the parking availability will be in relation to the walk to the reception area.
What Does D.R.C.A Stand for?
D.R.C.A Stands for Dubai Recreational Community Activities.
What are your strengths and why choose D.R.C.A Vs other sports providers?
At D.R.C.A we believe our strengths first and foremost is our passion and commitment to the grass roots level of all activities teaching and perfecting the basics so the youth can excel in sport and take on the next level. There are some fantastic and extremely professional environments across the U.A.E and we consider ourselves the go between, unfortunately we do not all develop at the same speed and some develop a little slower, this doesn't mean they do not have what it takes to reach the top of their desired sport but it just means things may require more time and a different environment where they can grow in confidence and competence before heading down the more competitive path. D.R.C.A plans to assist all abilities but will specialize in taking beginnings through to experts.
What sports does D.R.C.A offer?
D.R.C.A YOUTH CLUB we will be offering 3HRS of structured activities aimed at children's social, emotional and physical development.
Where can I register for D.R.C.A YOUTH CLUB?
To Register with D.R.C.A all you have to do is visit the Contact Us page and complete the form you will then be contacted by a member of staff to confirm your registration.
Do you provide training uniforms?
At D.R.C.A we have a specific uniform identification model for adults and youth when they are out in public. We believe that each community member should be identified visibly but also we can be identified by the way we conduct ourselves in and around our community and this will be passed down by all our coaches during the sessions and member of staff the youth interact with.
What age groups do you cater for?
At D.R.C.A we have activities for children ranging from ages 2.5 Yrs to 16+Yrs
What time does the activities start and finish?
D.R.C.A will run on the following days:
Sundays- 10AM-1PM Precision Football, IBN Battuta
Tuesdays- 5PM-8PM Ballers Downtown (START DATE TBA)
Thursdays- 5PM-8PM Ballers Downtown (START DATE TBA)
Sundays- 10AM-1PM Precision Football, IBN Battuta
Tuesdays- 5PM-8PM Ballers Downtown (START DATE TBA)
Thursdays- 5PM-8PM Ballers Downtown (START DATE TBA)
Why do you run for 3hrs?
At D.R.C.A not only are we there to support the youth but we are also there to support families inside our communities by offering extended childcare options, we have decided to extend the regular ECA period of 1 hour to 3 hours. This decision was taken to help those families searching for structure in the evenings for their youth and to limit screen time Vs physical activity.
What days are the D.R.C.A activities?
D.R.C.A will run on the following days:
Sundays- 10AM-1PM Precision Football, IBN Battuta
Tuesdays- 5PM-8PM Ballers Downtown (START DATE TBA)
Thursdays- 5PM-8PM Ballers Downtown (START DATE TBA)
Sundays- 10AM-1PM Precision Football, IBN Battuta
Tuesdays- 5PM-8PM Ballers Downtown (START DATE TBA)
Thursdays- 5PM-8PM Ballers Downtown (START DATE TBA)
Do you have a programme for girls?
At D.R.C.A our activities are for both genders, in fact we highly recommend mixed training groups as there are many benefits and life skills that can be passed on to the children. Our coaches closely monitor sessions to ensure safety for all its youth.
Will you have a single gender options?
At D.R.C.A we have not planned for gender separation, we are not totally against it however we are trying to replicate the community ethos and feeling whereby children play with children regardless of gender, However this will be looked at and reviewed once the youth are at stages of advanced puberty.
How often do you run activities at D.R.C.A?
At D.R.C.A we will be launching activities 3x times per week with a view to having activities for the youth 7 days a week in the foreseeable future.
How can I pay to be apart of D.R.C.A?
At D.R.C.A we have a payment link which we will send you on WhatsApp to complete your booking. We hope to add other online payment options in the future but this will be the main one provided for the moment.
What happens to my information if I register but do not attend?
At D.R.C.A we believe your personal information should always be kept private and confidential, therefore your data will be kept and seen only by D.R.C.A staff and will not be sold or passed on to any third parties or partners.
What is your refund policy?
At D.R.C.A we pride ourselves on being open and transparent as well as our efforts to keep all our communication open and clear in the case of refunds due to injury, illness or relocation. We reserve the right to review refund request on a case by case basis to protect the interest of both parties we are 100% committed to finding the best possible outcome for the community and the business. Refunds are dealt with by management only and not by the coaches or administrative staff. Refunds will be classified as a priority for higher management and although this can be discussed over the phone, we recommend setting a date for a meeting to be able to review the circumstances in person. Its within your right to remove your child from activities, however if there are a string of unsanctioned absences within a month your refund request will be denied without review. We highly recommend that should you be aware of any up and coming absence that you send us a WhatsApp immediately or reach out to a coach or administrative staff so they can record it for management and in case of any unplanned absences we would ask you to notify us up to 48 hours prior.
Do you offer make-up activities in case of absences?
At D.R.C.A Youth Club we have a credit system, this means if you have brought 4 credits or 8 credits in the case scenario of any unforeseen absences you will be given time to continue your activities before being asked to renew your membership any session credits unused after the 8 weeks time period will be lost unless discussed in advanced with management.
What is the structure on the day of activity?
Ice Breaker/Crafts
Physical Development
Recess/Refreshment Break
Crafts/Performing Arts/Physical Development
Ice Breaker/Crafts
Physical Development
Recess/Refreshment Break
Crafts/Performing Arts/Physical Development
Can we switch locations during the month?
We will only allow you to switch location at the months end as we try to structure classes based on a set number so we can accurately manage resources and participation when planning our physical activities.